Poems from a Secular Religion — Profile

Name:  Michael R. Patton

E-mail:  michaelpatton@lycos.com
Location:  Northwest Arkansas
Birthday:  14 January, 1955
Bio:  I have lived and worked all over the United States. I am a writer, but don't care to define myself by what I do. Like all others, I am working to polish myself to a brighter shine--which, I've discovered, requires much attrition. I am the author of the novels "The Raven's Way" and "Soultime" and am currently compiling information for a book on working with dreams, entitled "Dream Steps". I believe each one of us contains a myriad of potentials, negative and positive, which may or not be activated during one's life. I'm still discovering what some of mine are. By the way, I really don't like the terms "negative" or "positive" either, but for the time being, we are stuck with them. I believe a negative potential is only a positive potential turned inside out.
Interests:  Numerous interests. Too many actually--I've have to cut some out, narrow my focus. Anyway, I am interested in metaphysics, new age thought (though I don't like the term "new age"), the study of dreams, psychology, literature and poetry, world politics, world travel, films, foreign films, spirituality (though I follow no particular religion), jazz (a new interest), golden oldies, history (though so much that has gone on is horrific), the future, the human race, the environment, world peace, personal peace. I like talking with people from every walk of life and sharing ideas. I enjoy hiking, swimming, and sports that you can play in your backyard (but I'm not a competition freak). I like watching basketball, football, and the Olympics.
Blog Created:  Saturday, 29 January 2005
Last Updated:  Monday, 31 July 2006 - 12:01 AM CDT
Blog Entries:  2

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